
transportation and movement service معنى

  • دائرة النقل والحركة
  • transportation    n. منقول, نقل, سفر ...
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • movement    n. اتجاه, حركة, حر ...
  • service    n. مصلحة, خدمة عسك ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. transportable معنى
  2. transportable air traffic control system معنى
  3. transportation معنى
  4. transportation agent معنى
  5. transportation and health معنى
  6. transportation and traffic operations group معنى
  7. transportation assistant معنى
  8. transportation associations in the united states معنى
  9. transportation buildings and structures in alabama معنى
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